This dataset provides 2011 Census estimates that classify the workday population in England and Wales by passports held. The estimates are as at census day, 27 March 2011.
The workday population is an estimate of the population during the working day. It includes everybody who works in an area, wherever they usually live, and all respondents who live in the area but do not work.

The following population groups are excluded from the workday population of an area:

  • Those living in England and Wales but working in Scotland, Northern Ireland, outside the UK or on offshore installations,
  • Those with a place of work in England and Wales but who are not usually resident in England and Wales, and
  • Short-term residents

Statistical Disclosure Control
In order to protect against disclosure of personal information from the 2011 Census, there has been swapping of records in the Census database between different geographic areas, and so some counts will be affected. In the main, the greatest effects will be at the lowest geographies, since the record swapping is targeted towards those households with unusual characteristics in small areas.

More details on the ONS Census disclosure control strategy may be found on the Statistical Disclosure Control page on the ONS web site.

Revisions and Corrections

2014-05-23 09:30

A production error was discovered in this table originally published 31 October 2013. The workday populations for eight Output Areas were incorrectly allocated to the wrong Output Area code. The eight Output Areas affected were: E00015045, E00023289, E00049002, E00159643, E00172150, E00170915, E00172167, E00174876. Correcting the figures for these areas has resulted in the figures for five Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs) and two Local Authorities also being changed. The Local Authorities affected were Coventry and Warwick, where 1,449 people were originally incorrectly allocated to the workday population in Coventry rather than Warwick.

This error has now been corrected, and the workday population has been correctly allocated to all areas affected. No other published releases or tables were affected, the people who were misallocated in the workday population were correctly allocated in the usually resident population.

ONS apologises for any inconvenience caused.
Table ID
Census 2011
Workday population, Alternative population, Passports Held
England and Wales
Area types
Output area and above
Latest data
Last updated
2014-05-23 09:30
Passports Held
01329 444 972
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