The Univariate tables generally provides information about a single census topic. The classifications used are usually the full versions with the most categories so provide the most detailed information available from the census about the topic. Like the Key Statistics, these tables are available from national level down to the very small census output areas.
UV001 - Population
This dataset is about Total Population. It shows the Total Population in England and Wales and the split between those resident in households and those resident in Communal Establishments. The number of people sleeping rough are shown separately.
UV002 - Population density
This dataset is about Population Density. It shows the Usual Resident Population in England and Wales and the size of the area in hectares. It also shows the density (number of persons usually resident per hectare).
UV003 - Sex
This dataset is about Sex. It shows the Usual Resident Population in England and Wales and the split between Males and Females.
UV004 - Age
This dataset is about Age. It shows the Usual Resident Population in England and Wales by single year categories of age from Under 1 to 74, in five year age groups from 75 to 99, and people aged 100 years and over.
UV005 - Schoolchildren and students in full time education living away from home during term-time
This dataset is about Schoolchildren and students in full-time education living away from home in term-time. It shows the total number of schoolchildren and students in full-time education in England and Wales living away from home in term-time, and also split into Males and Females.
UV006 - Dependent children
This dataset is about Dependent Children. It shows the total number of families in households in England and Wales and splits them by the number and ages of dependent children. A total count of dependent children is also included.
UV007 - Marital status
This dataset is about Marital Status. It shows all people aged 16 and over in England and Wales, by their legal marital status.
UV008 - Country of birth
This dataset is about Country of Birth. It shows the usual resident population in England and Wales by their country of birth. It provides a detailed classification of countries of birth.
UV009 - Ethnic group
This dataset is about Ethnic Group. This variable was created from responses to the ethnic group question in the 2001 Census. The ethnic group question records each person's perceived ethnic group and cultural background. The tables covers all people in Engladn and Wales, and shows the detailed 16-way classification of ethnic groups.
UV013 - Knowledge of Welsh
This dataset is about Knowledge of Welsh. It shows different categores of knowledge of Welsh such as understanding spoken Welsh only, and Speaks, reads and writes Welsh. The dataset is available for Wales only and covers all people aged 3 and over.
UV015 - Religion
This dataset is about Religion. It shows all people in England and Wales by religion stated. As the religion question was voluntary, missing responses were not imputed for this question. Those who did not answer this question are included under the 'Religion not stated' category of the variable.
UV020 - General health
This dataset is about General Health. It shows the usual resident population in England and Wales by a self-assessment of their general health over the 12 months before the Census.
UV021 - Provision of unpaid care
This dataset is about Provision of Unpaid Care. It shows the usual resident population in England and Wales by whether they provide any unpaid care, and if so, how many hours a week they provide that care. A person is a provider of unpaid care if they give any help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others because of long-term physical or mental health or disability, or problems related to old age.
UV022 - Limiting long-term illness
This dataset is about Limiting Long-term Illness. It shows the usual resident population in Elngalnd and Wales by whether or not they have a limiting long-term illness.
UV023 - Migration
This dataset is about Migration. The information comes from responses to questions on the 2001 Census on residents usual address and the address one year ago. It shows the numbers of people who moved in and out of the area. Given the nature of the information, there are separate files for the different levels of the geographical hierarchy. This dataset is available in download format only.
UV024 - Qualifications
This dataset is about Qualifications. It shows the usual resident population in England and Wales aged 16 to 74, by their highest level of qualification. The highest level of qualification variable was derived from responses in the 2001 Census to both the educational and vocational qualifications question, and the professional qualifications question.
UV027 - Time since last worked
This dataset is about Time Since Last Worked. It shows the usual resident population in England and Wales aged 16 to 74, by whether or not they are in employment. Those not currently in employment are split by how many years since they last worked, including a category for 'never worked'.
UV028 - Economic activity
This dataset is about Economic Activity. It shows the usual resident population in England and Wales by their economic activity status. Economic Activity applies only to people aged 16 to 74. It relates to whether or not a person was working or looking for work in the week before Census. The concept of Economic Activity is compatible with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) definition of economic status.
UV029 - Economic activity - full time students
This dataset is about Economic Activity of full-time students. It shows the full-time students in England and Wales by their economic activity status. The information applies to full-time students aged 16 to 74.
UV030 - Occupation
This dataset is about Occupation. It shows the usual resident population in England and Wales aged 16 to 74 in employment by their occupation. The occupation classification used is the second level of SOC2000 (Standard Occupation Classification).
UV031 - NS-SeC
This dataset is about Socio-economic Classification. It shows the usual resident population in England and Wales aged 16 to 74 by their socio-economic classification. The National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SeC) was introduced by the Government to replace Social Class based on Occupation (also known as the Registrar General's Social Class) and Socio-Economic Groups (SEG).
UV032 - NS-SeC of Household Reference Person (HRP)
This dataset is about Socio-economic Classification. It shows the usual resident population in England and Wales under pensionable age in households by the socio-economic classification of their household reference person. The National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SeC) was introduced by the Government to replace Social Class based on Occupation (also known as the Registrar General's Social Class) and Socio-Economic Groups (SEG).
UV033 - NS-SeC of Household Reference Person (All people)
This dataset is about Socio-economic Classification. It shows the usual resident population in England and Wales living in households by the socio-economic classification of their household reference person. The National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SeC) was introduced by the Government to replace Social Class based on Occupation (also known as the Registrar General's Social Class) and Socio-Economic Groups (SEG).
UV034 - Industry
This dataset is about Industry of Employment. It shows the usual resident population in England and Wales aged 16 to 74 in employment by the industry they work in.
UV035 - Distance travelled to work
This dataset is about Distance Travelled to Work. It shows the usual resident population in England and Wales aged 16 to 74 in employment by the distance travelled to work. The distance travelled to work is measured in kilometres of a straight line between the residence postcode and the workplace postcode. It is not calculated for people working mainly at or from home, people with no fixed workplace, people working on an offshore installation, or people working outside the UK.
UV037 - Method of travel to work
This dataset is about Method of Travel to Work. It shows the daytime population in England and Wales aged 16 to 74 by the method of travel to work. Those people not currently working are shown separately. The day-time population is defined for people aged 16 to 74, as those people who live and work in the area (or do not work) and those people who live outside the area and work inside the area. 'No fixed place of work' is counted as if working in the area. The method of travel to work is for the longest part, by distance, of the usual journey to work.
UV039 - Method of travel to work - resident population
This dataset is about Method of Travel to Work. It shows the usual resident population in England and Wales aged 16 to 74 by the method of travel to work. Those people not currently working are shown separately. The method of travel to work is for the longest part, by distance, of the usual journey to work.
UV041 - Hours Worked
This dataset is about Hours Worked. It covers all people in England and Wales aged 16 to 74.
UV042 - Accommodation type (people)
This dataset is about Accommodation Type. It shows the usual resident population in England and Wales living in households by the type of accommodation they live in.
UV043 - Tenure
This dataset is about Tenure. It shows all people in households in England and Wales by whether they live in accommodation that is owned or rented, and, if rented, whether it is rented from the Council, Housing Association/Registered Social Landlord, Privately rented or Other
UV045 - Tenure of pensioners
This dataset is about Tenure. It shows all households in England and Wales where the household reference person is of pensionable age by the tenure of the accommodation.
UV046 - Household composition (People)
This dataset is about Household Composition. It shows all people living in households in England and Wales by the composition of their households. Households consisting of one family and no other people are classified according to the type of family and the number of dependent children. Other households are classified by the number of dependent children or whether all student or all pensioner.
UV047 - Household composition (People) (alternative classification)
This dataset is about Household Composition. It shows all people in households in England and Wales by the composition of those households. This table uses an alternative classification to Table UV65. This alternative classification defines households by the age of the people in it. It takes no account of the relationships between people. In this dataset, the term 'adult' is used to refer to those aged 16 and over and children to those aged 15 and under. This definition is to be distinguished from the standard definition for adults, children and dependent children used in other datasets.
UV048 - People aged 18-64 in single adult households
This dataset is about People Aged 18-64 in Single Adult Households. It shows all people in England and Wales aged 18 to 64 living in households by whether they live in single adult households or other types of household.
UV050 - Approximated social grade
This dataset is about Approximated Social Grade. It shows all people in England and Wales aged 16 and over living in households by their approximated social grade. Social Grade is the socio-economic classification used by the Market Research and Marketing Industries, most often in the analysis of spending habits and consumer attitudes. Although it is not possible to allocate Social Grade precisely from information collected by the 2001 Census, the Market Research Society has developed a method for using Census information to provide a good approximation of Social Grade.
UV051 - Number of people living in households
This dataset is about the Number of People Living in Households. It shows all occupied household spaces in England and Wales by the number of people living in each household. i.e. whether there is one person, two people and so on. The highest category shown is eight or more people.
UV052 - Migration (households)
This dataset is about Migration. The information comes from responses to questions on the 2001 Census on residents usual address and the address one year ago. It shows the proportions of households in England and Wales who moved in and out of the area. Given the nature of the information, there are separate files for the different levels of the geographical hierarchy. This dataset is available in download format only.
UV053 - Housing stock
This dataset is about Housing Stock. It shows all household spaces in England and Wales by whether they are occupied or unoccupied. Unoccupied household spaces are split into second residences/holiday accommodation, and vacant household spaces.
UV055 - Dwellings
This dataset is about Dwellings. It shows all dwellings in England and Wales by whether they are shared or unshared.
UV056 - Accommodation type (households)
This dataset is about Accommodation Type. It shows all household spaces in England and Wales by the type of accommodation (including if they are in a shared or unshared dwelling).
UV057 - Number of rooms
This dataset is about Numbers of Rooms. It shows all occupied household spaces in England and Wales by how many rooms there are in the accommodation.
UV058 - Persons per room
This dataset is about Persons per Room. It shows all households in England and Wales by how many persons there are per room of the accommodation. The count of the number of rooms in a household's accommodation does not include bathrooms, toilets, halls or landings, or rooms that can only be used for storage. All other rooms, for example, kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, utility rooms and studies are counted. The number of persons per room is calculated by dividing the number of household residents by the number of rooms.
UV059 - Occupancy
This dataset is about Occupancy Rating. It shows all households in England and Wales by levels of occupancy rating. The Occupancy Rating provides a measure of under-occupancy and over-crowding. For example a value of -1 implies that there is one room too few and that there is overcrowding in the household. It relates the actual number of rooms to the number of rooms 'required' by the members of the household (based on an assessment of the relationship between household members, their ages and gender).
UV060 - Amenities
This dataset is about Amenities. It shows all occupied household spaces in England and Wales by the amenities available within the accommodation.
UV061 - Lowest floor level
This dataset is about Lowest Floor Level. It shows all households in England and Wales by the lowest floor level of the accommodation lived in.
UV062 - Cars or vans
This dataset is about Cars and Vans. It shows all households in England and Wales by whether there are any cars or vans owned or available to the household, and if so how many. It also includes a total count of cars or vans in the area. The number of cars or vans available for use, by one or more members of a household includes company cars and vans available for private use. The count of cars or vans in an area is based on details for private households only. Cars or vans used by residents of communal establishments are not counted
UV063 - Tenure households
This dataset is about Tenure. It shows all households in England and Wales by whether they own or rent their accommodation and, if rented, whether it is rented from the Council, Housing Association/Registered Social Landlord, Privately rented or Other
UV065 - Household composition (households)
This dataset is about Household Composition. Households consisting of one family and no other people are classified according to the type of family and the number of dependent children. Other households are classified by the number of dependent children or whether all student or all pensioner. The population of the dataset is all households.
UV066 - Household Composition (Households) (Alternative Classification)
This dataset is about Household Composition. It shows all households in England and Wales by the composition of those households. This table uses an alternative classification to Table UV065. This alternative classification defines households by the age of the people in it. It takes no account of the relationships between people. In this dataset, the term 'adult' is used to refer to those aged 16 and over and children to those aged 15 and under. This definition is to be distinguished from the standard definition for adults, children and dependent children used in other datasets.
UV067 - Households By Selected Household Characteristics
This dataset is about Selected Household Characteristics. It shows all households in England and Wales by the number of selected characteristics it has. The selected characteristics are defined within the four dimensions as follows: Employment, Education, Health and Disability, and Housing (covering overcrowding and amenities).
UV068 - Household type
This dataset is about Household Type. It shows all households in England and Wales by a household type classification based on the characteristics of the people living in the household, for example, if they are a married couple household with dependent children, or an all student household.
UV069 - Multiple Ethnic Groups
This dataset is about Multiple Ethnic Groups. It shows all households in England and Wales by whether the household contains people in different ethnic groups, and whether there are differences between generations and/or partnerships within the household.
UV070 - Communal Establishments
This dataset is about Communal Establishments. A communal establishment is defined as an establishment providing managed residential accommodation. Managed means full-time or part-time supervision of the accommodation. This dataset gives information on the numbers of communal establishments by type.
UV071 - Communal establishment residents
This dataset is about Communal Establishment Residents. It shows all people in England and Wales resident in communal establishments by whether they are residents, staff or owner, or relatives of staff or owner.
UV073 - All People In Communal Establishments
This dataset is about Communal Establishment Residents. A communal establishment is defined as an establishment providing managed residential accommodation. Managed means full-time or part-time supervision of the accommodation. This dataset gives information on residents by type of communal establishment
UV075 - Age (workplace population)
This dataset is about Age for the workplace population. The workplace population is defined as the people aged 16 to 74 who are in employment and whose usual place of work is in the area. People with no fixed place of work are treated the same as people who work mainly at or from home and are counted as working in their area of residence.
UV076 - NS-SeC (workplace population)
This dataset is about Socio-economic Classification. It shows the workplace population in England and Wales by the National Statistics Socio-economic classification (NS-SeC). The workplace population is defined as the people aged 16 to 74 who are in employment and whose usual place of work is in the area. People with no fixed place of work are treated the same as people who work mainly at or from home and are counted as working in their area of residence. The National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SeC) was introduced by the Government to replace Social Class based on Occupation (also known as the Registrar General's Social Class) and Socio-Economic Groups (SEG). The population of this dataset is all people aged 16 to 74 in employment in the area.
UV078 - Approximated Social Grade (Workplace Population)
This dataset is about Approximated Social Grade. It shows the workplace population in England and Wales by Approximated Social Grade. The workplace population is defined as the people aged 16 to 74 who are in employment and whose usual place of work is in the area. Social Grade is the socio-economic classification used by the Market Research and Marketing Industries, most often in the analysis of spending habits and consumer attitudes.
UV080 - Distance Travelled To Work (Workplace Population)
This dataset is about Distance Travelled to Work. It shows the workplace population in England and Wales by the distance travelled to work. The workplace population is defined as the people aged 16 to 74 who are in employment and whose usual place of work is in the area. The distance travelled to work is measured in kilometres of a straight line between the residence postcode and the workplace postcode. It is not calculated for people working mainly at or from home, people with no fixed workplace, people working on an offshore installation or people working outside the UK
UV081 - Armed forces
There is no description for this dataset.
UV082 - Living Arrangements
This dataset is about Living Arrangements. It shows all people in England and Wales aged 16 and over in households, by their living arrangements. For example, whether they are living as part of a cohabiting couple, or are not living in a couple and are single or divorced.
UV083 - Persons per room
This dataset is about Persons per Room. It shows all people in England and Wales living in households by how many persons there are per room of the accommodation. The count of the number of rooms in a household's accommodation does not include bathrooms, toilets, halls or landings, or rooms that can only be used for storage. All other rooms, for example, kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, utility rooms and studies are counted. The number of persons per room is calculated by dividing the number of household residents by the number of rooms.
UV085 - Residents In Households By NS-Sec Of Household Reference Person Under Pensionable Age
This dataset is about Residents in Households by NS-SeC of the Household Reference Person under Pensionable Age. It shows the all people in England and Wales resident in households where the Household Reference Person is under pensionable age by NS-SeC of the Household Reference Person. The National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SeC) was introduced by the Government to replace Social Class based on Occupation (also known as the Registrar General's Social Class) and Socio-Economic Groups (SEG).
UV093 - Same-Sex Couples
This dataset is about Same-Sex Couples. It shows all people in England and Wales aged 16 and over resident in households by whether they are living as a part of a same-sex couple. A same-sex couple consists of two people of the same sex identifying the other as partner.