Our site gives you access to the most detailed and up-to-date statistics from official sources for local areas throughout the UK. Nomis has a range of datasets covering aspects of the labour market, life events and other topics from the Office for National Statistics. The page will help you get started with our site and give you a better understanding about the types of information you will find here.
- Getting started
- What you will find in Nomis
- What you will NOT find in Nomis
- Are there any charges for using the NomisWeb site?
- Do you need to register to download data?
Getting Started
Nomis offers two main ways to access data:
- Area profiles
Summary data from a range of sources for a single area; if you are new to labour market statistics start with the local authority profile.
This will give you a good overview of the main data sources along with background information in the “definitions and explanations” included at the end of the profile. You can get time series using the link at the bottom of each table.
- Data downloads
Access to the full range of data allowing you to query a single data source in greater depth and for multiple areas using the Query data tool.
What you will find in Nomis
- Labour market statistics for local areas from a variety of sources including the Annual Population Survey (APS), out-of-work benefits, Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES), Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE), UK Business Counts.
- Censuses of Population from 1981 to 2011.
- Life events data covering topics such as marriages, divorces and deaths.
- Data from official government sources (Office for National Statistics and DWP).
- The latest published figures and time series data, in some cases back to the 1970s.
What you will NOT find in Nomis
- Statistics for themes unrelated to the labour market, such as health and the economy. For these use the main National Statistics site.
- Data from non-government sources.
- Data prior to the 1970s.
Are there any charges for using the NomisWeb site?
No. All the facilities and data downloads on our Web site are free. Access to Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) data requires special permission called a Notice, although there are also publically available BRES datasets subject to a higher degree of rounding.
Do you need to register to download data?
No. You can access all the data on our site without registering. However, by registering you get additional benefits.