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Welsh language skills,Sex,Age

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About this dataset

This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents aged 3 years and over in Wales by Welsh language skills, by sex, and by age. The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.

Protecting personal data

Sometimes we need to make changes to data if it is possible to identify individuals. This is known as statistical disclosure control. In Census 2021, we:

  • Swapped records (targeted record swapping), for example, if a household was likely to be identified in datasets because it has unusual characteristics, we swapped the record with a similar one from a nearby small area. Very unusual households could be swapped with one in a nearby local authority.
  • Added small changes to some counts (cell key perturbation), for example, we might change a count of four to a three or a five. This might make small differences between tables depending on how the data are broken down when we applied perturbation.

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About the variables

Age (7 categories)

Description: A person's age on Census Day, 21 March 2021 in England and Wales.

Quality information: Estimates for single year of age between ages 90 and 100+ are less reliable than other ages. Estimation and adjustment at these ages was based on the age range 90+ rather than five-year age bands.

Comparability with 2011: Highly comparable


Sex (3 categories)

Description: This is the sex recorded by the person completing the census. The options were "Female" and "Male".

Comparability with 2011: Highly comparable


Welsh language skills (8 categories)

Description: Whether a person has Welsh language skills. If they do, can they do any of the following: * understand spoken Welsh * speak Welsh * read Welsh * write Welsh * no skills in Welsh

The census questionnaire only asked this question to people in Wales. In results that classify people by Welsh language skills, a person may appear in more than one category depending on which combination of skills they have.

Comparability with 2011: Highly comparable


Release calendar

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There have been no releases.

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There have been no revisions or corrections.